American Express CID - Card Indentification

The modern day of shopping is getting an overhaul. Today, consumers are discovering that they can purchase products and services over the Internet, saving time, money, and fuel costs. However, with these great advancements come higher security risks. Because of the potential for credit card fraudulent activity, American Express has instituted their American Express CID security plan. The American Express CID security consists of a four-digit number. CID stands for card identification number, and this number verifies that cardholder’s in fact have the card in their hands and are not just using a credit card number. Using security programs such as the American Express CID security number helps to prevent credit card fraud, misuse, and abuse. Using other security measures as well as the American Express CID security number can help ensure that your customers will enjoy the greatest security possible when completing their credit card transactions online.

American Express is committed to the security of their cardholder’s. This is why they have enacted the American Express compliance stature. American Express expects all merchants who accept their credit cards to agree to the American Express compliance rules and regulations. In fact, if your business uses a different IT structure, and your site doesn’t comply, you will need to contact American Express and find out what you can do to meet American Express compliance rules satisfactorily. It is the responsibility of the merchant service provider to make sure that they are following American Express compliance rules to limit the chance of hacking or other fraudulent activity.

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